Enhanced Assisted Living in East Aurora, NY 

What is Enhanced Assisted Living Care? Enhanced Assisted Living resident and staff member

Enhanced assisted living care provides additional medical assistance for elderly residents at senior care facilities. This may include assistance with using medical equipment, getting into and out of bed, or wheelchair transfers. Compared to regular assisted living services, enhanced assisted living care offers a deeper level of support. However, there is still more independence in daily living compared to specialized nursing care services. Our residents retain self-sufficiency through planning care schedules, choosing communal events or cooking their own food. By achieving a balance to care for additional care, enhanced assisted living offers greater peace and comfort to our residents.


Providing A Higher Level Of Care

As a licensed Enhanced Assisted Living Residence by New York State, our staff has completed rigorous training to offer comprehensive care for our community. We operate with accountability and transparency under the oversight of licensing authorities. As a result, Tennyson Court consistently receives high ratings from residents around East Aurora, NY.

Contact Us Today!

To see how our services really are, we suggest coming for an in-person visit! You can schedule a tour to explore our campus and see what our community is like for you. To find out more about Certified Enhanced Assisted Living Care services at Tennyson, contact us today!